Thursday, August 20, 2009

Standing Up

A hearty congratulations to Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), who struck a blow for rationality amidst the cacophony of ill-informed and fear-driven accusations swirling around healthcare. While stern, Rep. Frank's response to the inane comparison between President Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler was certainly warranted -- perhaps even provoked.

The First Amendment is undoubtedly one of the greatest freedoms accorded to the citizens of the United States, and its promises and provisions are sacred and expansive. The sentiments expressed by unruly attendees at recent town hall meetings arguably fall under the aegis of the freedom of speech and, in any event, these individuals clearly have a right to offer their point of view and to question their elected representatives about their legislative positions. Yet this does not necessarily mean that all inquiries are created equal.

The young woman in the video demonstrates the difference that might exist. Elected officials quite clearly have a responsibility and a duty to address the concerns of their constitutents; they should devote great care and attention to understanding the concerns and answering the questions of the electorate. Politicians cannot be reasonably expected, however, to rationally and seriously entertain notions that are so far removed from reality as to be almost laughable.

While it is unfortunate that a woman who is clearly interested and engaged in civic affairs was embarrassed at a large public meeting, it is equally regrettable that her poorly considered question precluded serious treatment by Rep. Frank. Hopefully this exchange will begin to re-center the debate where it belongs -- around the real (not imagined) issues in this controversy.

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